Business & Professional Coaching
Many believe that having the right answers is the key to success.
The truth is that the key lies in asking the right questions.
If you want to find clarity for you or your business by uncovering what are your "right questions", let's talk. I am supporting committed professionals, leaders and organizations to up their game and gain clarity with tailored coaching-consulting services & workshops
I support committed professionals, leaders and their business to up their game and gain clarity. If you want to give me a title, then sometimes I am a coach, sometimes a consultant, a business architect, a thinking partner or a trusted advisor.
For the largest part of my career I have been successfully leading large improvement & transformation projects.
At Clarity Of Intent I combine the structure and analytical skills of a business architect and my leadership experience, with my innate curiosity, coaching skills, sharp observation and humor. This results in a no-nonsense approach that helps my clients cut through the noise, transform and grow by identifying blind spots and focusing their efforts on the areas that matter most.